
Monday, February 4, 2019

Free Essays on Homers Odyssey: Death and Rebirth :: Odyssey essays

Odyssey Death and Rebirth in the Odyssey   The Odyssey, by Homer, is a classical piece of Greek literature. Throughout The Odyssey, the Blind bard makes use of mevery literary techniques in order to lend core to the poem beyond its existence as a work of historic fiction and aid his readers in the comprehension of the tale. One of these techniques is the use of motivations. A motif is a recurring theme that is used throughout the work. In The Odyssey, Homer makes use of many motifs including eating/drinking, Odysseuss anger, bathing, and disguise, just to name a few. However, perhaps the most important of Homers motifs is the symbolic death and rebirth theme. This motif is used throughout The Odyssey to emphasize the growth and enlightenment of the characters. The first showcase of this motif occurs with Telemachos early in the text. Telemachos, in book I, is visited by the goddess genus Athene in disguise. In their conversation, Telemachos reveals the suffering a nd suffering that he is experiencing as a result of living without knowing the status of his father, fearing that he is dead. . . . and he left wing pain and lamentation to me. Nor is it for him alone that I grieve in my pain now (The Odyssey, Latimore, I. 242-3). Symbolically, at this point in the text, Telemachos is dead. He is willing to narrow no action to save his home from the suitors or go for any initiative to determine the status of his missing father. However, his symbolic death is not without a rebirth. Athene, disguised as Mentes, brings Telemachos back to life. She convinces him that he must take action to preserve his firm and determine the fate of his father. This prompts Telemachos to take everyplace his fathers role in the household and journey forward to gather nurture about his missing father. His rebirth is further carried out in the myth when he is reunited with his father together, the two act to regain control of their household from the derel ict suitors. The next example of the death and rebirth motif occurs with our fundament to the storys main character and hero, Odysseus. Homer introduces Odysseus on the Kalypsos island. On a purely literal level, Odysseuss stay with Kalypso

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